11+ Exams

Our 11+ success rate is impressive; yet, our approach towards 11+ preparation means that the benefits of RTC tuition will be felt way beyond the Kent Test.

Kent 11+ Exams

You can be confident that your child will successfully get through the 11+ exam when working with RTC. 


Our average pass rate is in excess of 90% across our centres


The number of RTC children who have successfully sat the 11+ exam and been offered a place in some of Kent’s best schools.


The average Google rating given by proud parents, following their children’s 11+ exam results.

11+ exam preparation

Kent parents need to register their children for the 11+ within the month of June of Year 5.

However, 11+ exam preparation can start much earlier than that, usually, at the beginning of Year 4.

Why choose The Right Tuition Company for your child’s 11+ exam preparation?
  • Responsible 11+ preparation – proper face-to-face teaching of topics and skills secures long-term academic benefit and success. Responsible exam prep will equip children to perform beyond the receipt of those exam results.
  • 90% success rate – most of our students will be offered a place in their first-choice secondary school.
  • Small group tuition – all our children enjoy brilliant, tailored teaching and benefit from the social aspect of learning alongside their peers.
  • Qualified 11+ teachers – knowledge and expertise is brought to the classroom by our education specialists in a fun and enthusiastic way.
  • Exclusive 11+ learning materials – updated regularly and not available outside of RTC.
  • 11+ Mock exams – Y5 students can sit up to three Mocks within the academic year – December, March and July.
What do the 11+ exams in Kent consist of?

For Kent families who live outside the Medway boundaries but wish to send their children to one of the Kent grammar schools, you need to enter your child via the Kent County Council (KCC) application page.

The actual test consists of the following:

  • An English and Maths paper, each taking about 25 minutes, with multiple choice answers.
  • A Reasoning paper, which will take about one hour. This paper is split into Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning sections (VR and NVR).
  • A non-marked writing exercise of about 40 minutes, giving children the freedom to express themselves and give schools an insight into their personalities.
At what stage does 11+ exam preparation start?

Our experience tells us that commencing the 11+ tuition in Year 4 allows for those all-important  foundations to be cemented, meaning that we can hit the ground running at the beginning of Year 5.

Our Year 4 syllabus is designed to establish solid foundations from which to launch into the ‘more formal’ 11+ preparation throughout Year 5.

We offer several opportunities throughout the Year 5 academic year to sit 11+ Mock Exams but the completion of timed practice papers start as early as Year 4.  Encouraging children to regularly tackle 11+ style questions, gets them fully accustomed to the process.

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