Copyright © 2024 The Right Tuition Company. Site by i3MEDIA
RTC’s Mission Statement is the following:
On this basis, we have developed a number of powerful social mobility initiatives that have the sole focus of achieving this end goal. Should any of these resonate with your personal circumstances, please get in touch to see how we can assist your child in their quest to learn and the maximisation of his or her potential.
The RTC Academic Scholarship Scheme is designed to help three of the most academically capable children in the local community. We assess children who enter our Year 4 into Year 5 exam and offer the highest achieving students a 20% discount on our Year 5 course and Easter Mock 11+ Quiz.
This is a fantastic opportunity for parents of bright and motivated children. It is our way of rewarding those parents, who make great efforts to support their child’s learning, enabling them to meet their full potential and recognising the importance of challenging the mind.
This RTC Scholarship Scheme is designed to help some of the most disadvantaged children in the local community. Working with local schools, we aim to support two children each year by giving them a place on our Year Four or Five course (depending on academic ability) for one academic year, which prepares children for the major transition into secondary school.
This is a fantastic opportunity for children that may benefit from working in a small group, led by the same teacher each week. We recommend application for this scholarship place to any child that is displaying great signs of intelligence, yet lacks the academic foundations or confidence needed in order to deliver their full potential.
Whilst we never discriminate on academic ability in terms of our new pupil intake, a considerable proportion of RTC pupils end up achieving scores which place them in the top 25 per cent of the country by the time they transition into secondary school; most of them grammar. Our schools are not highly pressurised environments; rather, we simply have the advantage of small groups (no bigger than 9 in a class) and consistent teaching staff, along with meticulous marking methods and excellent parental communication.
If the parent and child, accepted onto this scheme, are interested in taking the 11 plus, we will also pay for them to sit our Easter Mock 11+ Quiz. This is vital in helping a child to prepare emotionally for the experience, as well as making sure they have all the necessary skills.
The total annual cost of this place would typically be £1,109; however, with the RTC Scholarship, it is 100% free!
We will be contacting schools in the local area, but if this is of interest to you, do ask your school to get in touch with us.
RTC are proud to partner with two outstanding local Grammar Schools: Tonbridge Grammar School and The Judd School. These collaborative partnerships aim to close the Grammar School gap and, in turn, fuel social mobility through expanding accessibility to high quality tutoring.
Since January 2019, RTC have supported Horizons, which is a fantastic social mobility programme that was established by Tonbridge Grammar School (TGS). Through this, RTC Tonbridge has pledged that 25% of each each Primary and Secondary class is to be filled by those pupils in receipt of the pupil premium grant. Furthermore, RTC fund this project entirely and, therefore, do not take any money from schools’ Pupil Premium budgets. This ultimately means that these essential pupil premium funds can be spent on further supporting those most disadvantaged pupils in our local community.
In September 2020, RTC started an exciting, new partnership with The Judd School. Here, we provide not-for-profit tuition, to children from disadvantaged backgrounds, through a series of its sought-after 11+ lessons and the chance for children to sit an 11+ Mock Quiz. The classes were conducted on site at The Judd School and were a huge success. Please do head to our testimonials page to read some of the inspirational feedback from pupils and parents.
The total annual cost of this place would typically be £1,109; however, with the RTC Scholarship, it is 100% free!
We will be contacting schools in the local area, but if this is of interest to you, do ask your school to get in touch with us.
We are delighted to have been supporting AIM, a local 11+ charity, on a not-for-profit basis over the past five years. AIM is affiliated with Number One Community Trust and was set up by a group of three local mums to ‘level the playing field’ and offer 11+ preparation to bright children from lower-income families. RTC and AIM are united in their mutually-held desire to make supplementary education available to all; thereby making Grammar School a realistic prospect for an ever-widening demographic.
Each year, we are pleased to be able to help AIM by providing the charity with our fantastic RTC tutors, as well as our exclusive 11+ programme of study. Due to the success of our charitable partnership, AIM and RTC will be rolling out a second class for the 2020-21 academic year, which will allow us to reach twice the number of pupils as done so in previous years.
We get to see, first hand, the immense benefits that a child can gain from a more personalised approach to education. For too long, ‘tutoring’ has been the unjust privilege of the few. Alongside our small group model, which allows us to drive down rates for classes, we have pro bono classes that offer free education to children from ‘disadvantaged’ backgrounds. We work closely with local schools, extending the opportunity to learn to Year 5 pupils who are entitled to Free School Meals (FSM).
Our weekly Year 5 pro bono class is focused upon improving children’s skills in Maths and English, as well as developing their ability to apply logic and problem solve through the study of Reasoning.
Copyright © 2024 The Right Tuition Company. Site by i3MEDIA