
Newsletter: Term 6

Date Posted: 24 June 2024

Welcome Back to Term 6!

2024-2025 Academic Year

Please note, your child is not automatically enrolled into the new academic year. Please contact the relevant centre to discuss a suitable day and time for your child's new class / classes from September.

Click on the links below to view our 2024-25 class timetables:

RTC Tunbridge Wells - 2024-25 Class Timetable 
RTC Tonbridge - 2024-25 Class Timetable  

Please note, the 2024-25 academic year will start on Monday 2nd September.

Year 4 & Year 5 Summer Classes

Booking is now open for our Year 4 and Year 5 summer classes! 

Year 4 Classes
  • 1 hour lesson, from 11am-12pm, every Tuesday for Maths and every Friday for English.
  • These classes will start w/c 22nd July and will run each week until w/c 19th August, inclusive.
  • There are provided at a reduced cost of £20 per hours' class.
Year 5 Classes (11+) 
  • These are essential for any child looking to sit the 11+ in September.
  • These classes will also start w/c 22nd July and will also run each week until w/c 19th August, inclusive.
  • The main revision days will be every Wednesday and Thursday.
  • The Thursday is a direct repeat of the Wednesday, allowing for flexible scheduling.
  • Each day will run from 9am-5pm, with an hour's lunch between 1-2pm.
  • You are able to split the day over two days, i.e. attending Wednesday AM sessions, and Thursday PM sessions, or vice versa. This will be charged as a full day.
  • It costs £150 per whole day, or £28 per hour lesson.

Click HERE to view our summer timetable.

To book, please click here to send us an email.

Kent Test Registration is NOW OPEN!

Registration for the Kent Test (11+) is now open. Please click on the link below to make your submission.

Kent Test - Kent County Council

The closing date is at midnight on Monday 1st July. It is very important that you submit your registration by this date. This will ensure that your child is able to sit the quiz in September.


RTC is coming to Crowborough!

From September 2024, we are opening a satellite centre at the Crowborough Community Centre.

We will be offering Primary classes, including 11+ preparation, every Monday from 4pm-7pm. Classes will be taught by Yasmine, who is a highly experienced Primary teacher, and local to the area.

To register you interest, please click on the button below to send us an email.

Book Now!


Absence & Cancellation Policy

A gentle reminder that RTC requires at least 24 hours' notice regarding any absence and cancellation of pre-scheduled classes, otherwise the full price will be made chargeable. 

If your child is unable to attend their pre-scheduled class, an alternative class, in the same week, will be offered. We don't wish for your child to miss the week's topic! If the alternative class is deemed unsuitable, we will email the lesson materials as the lesson charge will still apply. Please note that this policy covers all reasons, including illnesses. 

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