Change it up and little by little

Date Posted: 24 June 2024

**Top Tip – Put your back into it**

When looking to revise, two small suggestions can help one's engagement with the process.

First, if at all possible, you should try, on a frequent basis, to alter the location where you choose to revise. Staying in the same spot can trigger a sense of monotony and, as a consequence, impact upon one's levels of focus and mental agility. Seek out new places to set up camp!

Second, little and often is a really important principle. It is a good idea to explore the Pomodoro Technique: a time management system which encourages the breaking-down of revision into 25-minute chunks. These spurts of revision are then separated by increasing periods of time (5 minutes to start-off with, which then increases, after four or so Pomodoros, into a break of around 20 minutes). Egg timers are very useful for facilitating this revision strategy. Ultimately, it's about working with the time you have, rather than against it.

Above all, avoid locking yourself away in a dark, dank room for long periods of time. Keep the mind fresh and those motivation levels up!

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