
RTC is coming to Crowborough!

Date Posted: 21 June 2024

This September, we are delighted to announce that RTC is coming to Crowborough! Every Monday, between 4-7pm, we will conduct hour-long Primary-level classes, at the Crowborough Community Centre, for children in Years 1-6. The success of our interactive, non-computer-based approach towards fun learning, led by our highly-qualified teaching professionals, means that Crowborough children will have the opportunity to receive RTC’s premium small group learning support at an affordable cost.

Whether it's exam preparation for the 11+, or if you are simply looking to support your child's ongoing academic progress, our team of education experts will take time to understand your goals and advise you on the best programme of learning support for your child. Bookings are filling up so please do get in touch to register your interest!

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